Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some More of My Lyrics

Ok, heres some more of my lyrics. As I said in the last post, Im gonna post some fulls and partials for a while, till I get em all up. This one is called Knock Me Down. and in short its about bein knocked down, walked on, used, etc. we've all experienced it at one point or another. but also, the person whos being used or whatever, kind of starts to fight back, develop a backbone, etc but then kind of feels bad about doing it. cause 2 wrongs dont make a right and they know that but they cant stand it any longer and MUST do something about it. so i guess its also kind of an issue/battle with the conscience and moral/ethical issue&dilemma as well. i dont really know what it is to be honest. soo yeeeaah... haha and yes, i guess the chorus does kinda sound a bit like Chumbawamba's Tubthumping but I realized that after and thats not nessicarially how its gonna sound, so its original, I swear, I didnt copy it. so whatevs. lol I hope you like this one, its kind of a long song though.. :/ haha but I hope you like it. :)

Knock Me Down

Knock me down, push me a-round, shove me out of the way, push me (to the side, aside?).
I land face first in the dirt.
But Im tough and you cant't keep me down.
So I get up again, and.
Knock you down, push you a-round, shove you out of the way, push you (to the side, aside?).
You land face first in the dirt.
(I?) Give you a taste of your own medicine, how does it feel (to be served?)
(You?) Think you're so hot but you're not, think you'e so great but you're really not all that.
Brought you back down (to the Earth, from the sky, to the Earth from the sky?)
So, how does it feel to be low like me?
To be lower than dirt, spat on, (stepped, walked?) on, trampled over?
Not so nice, is it?
Not so high and mighty now, are ya?
Not so hot, huh?
Yeah well, thats what you get you stupid (b****, person, girl?)
Cause you,
Knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me (to the side/curb, aside?).
I landed face first in the dirt.
So I fought back.
And, knocked you down, pushed you a-round, shoved you out of the way, pushed you (to the side, aside?).
Now you're sitting, crying in the corner.
Cause I,
Knocked you down, pushed you a-round, shoved you out of the way, pushed you (to the side, aside?).
Damn, why you always gotta make me feel so bad?
Why do I feel so bad?!
I shouldn't cause you,
Knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me (to the side, aside?).
I just fought back.
You just got what you deserved.
I shouldn't (feel bad?) but I do.
2 wrongs don't make a right, I know that, my folks taught me that.
But you got what you deserved so why do I feel so bad about (it, this?)
(I'm?) Too nice, I guess.
Even though you got what you deserved cause you,
Knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me to the side.
You knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me (to the side, aside?).
I hope you've learned your lesson, cause I sure have.....
Yeaaah..... (?)
Oh, yeaaah.... (?)

And thats it. I know, kind of a long song.. haha I hope you liked it though. :)

Also, because its such a long song, I'm thinking that might just be it for this post, this post is probably long enough as it is, without adding another song to it.. haha

Oh and also, I kinda realize the bottom part, or at least the line where I say "2 wrongs dont make a right", I realize that may be kinda starting to sound like the beginnings of a rap.. haha but Im not sure if Im gonna keep it and thats not really how I intended to sound, I dont think. soo, yeah.. haha and the last couple of "yeaaah's", Im not sure if Im gonna keep that many but if I do they probably wont be as loud as the rest of the song. theyll probably be fadeouts at the end soo yeaah.. haha I hope you liked it. :) Ill post more songs soon but I really hope you like the ones Ive posted so far.

Again, and as always,
If you've read this far, THANK YOU!!! I really do appreciate it, it means alot to me that you guys care enough to read my posts. So thank you. :)

Thanks again,

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