Monday, January 17, 2011

Some of My Lyrics

Ok, I have decided to post some of my lyrics up now as I am curious to see what you all think of them, and I have promised a few friends that I would post them. Soo, here are some of them. I am only going to post a few now though as it would take up too much time and space to post all of them. So I'll post some full, finished songs as well as some partials.

This is the one that started it all... haha I actually starting writing this one back in October when I was kind of having some family problems, but didnt finish writing it until December, which is when I wrote the majority of it. And obviously things were better then, so it's a little happier and kind of developed into more of a cheesy love song I guess... haha but I'll let you be the judge of that. im still not quite sure its done yet though but if its not, its very close. so Here it is, The song that started it all... haha

"I'm afraid of what's coming.
Theres a storm brewing on the horizon. and I'm afraid of what's coming.
But I know it'll be (ok, alright?) because I've got you.
And I know this storm will pass and things will get brighter soon enough but yet, I almost don't want it to pass because this storm is what brought us together and what made us stronger.
And I'm afraid that without that, this love will be torn apart and I'm afraid I'll lose us.
I don't ever wanna lose us so I'm hoping you'll stay, please stay, say you'll stay forever and I'll buy you what you want, make all your wishes and hopes and dreams come true.
And we can stay young forever.
I'll make this promise to you (because, cause?) I know that nothing lasts forever but I'm hoping this love will and we can stay young (forever?) cause I wanna be with you (forever, all my life, forever and ever?).
So please say you'll stay cause I love you and can't stop thinking about you.
So please don't ever go."

And there you have it, the song that started it all... haha it could probably still use some tweaking, haven't really looked at it much since December but what do you think of it? I'll probably eventually tweak it some but it's just at its raw, initial state now and I'm curious what you think of it...

ok, heres another one, this ones just a partial though... I wrote this one early yesterday (Sunday) morning. I was studying for the English midterms and I happened to be studying vocab and one of the words was "abyss" and i just randomly thought of this song.. I told you, this stuff just comes to me now... ahaha anyways, here it is.

The Abyss

I'm falling deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Someone save me from this mess.
Ohh, please!
Someone save me from this mess, I'm falling deeper and deeper into the abyss!

aaannd.. thats all i have so far. pretty decent song though for one that the idea for which stemmed from an English vocab word, right? ahahaa anyways, I think thats enough for now. I'll probably post them like this, a partial and a full, until I finish posting them, which will hopefully be sometime early next week (the week of the 18th), and then from here on out, that way it hopefully wont be too overwhelming. and if theres no more partials then I'll just post a full or 2 and vise versa. does that sound like a good plan? I'll also probably post a song of the week type thing and other music, and occasionally non-music related, things from time to time as well.

I'm curious what you think of my songwriting though, so please, feel free to leave a comment or subscribe to this blog or whatever you do with blogs. im new to this.. haha

Again, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it, I really do.

Thank you so much,



  1. ok. just a quick reminder. these are not nessicarially the finished versions of the songs, they are just in theyre raw state right now and even the ones that I claim are finished songs, could probably use some tweaking. so please keep that in mind when reading/reviewing these. thanks. i forgot to put that in there. haha sorry..

  2. Also, for the first song, Im kind of just now realizing that that song could probably use a chorus or something more, I'll probably have to add one.. haha And also, the part right before the first "And we can stay young forever.", i just kinda put that in when i wrote it cause i knew/thought it needed something there but wasnt sure what. so i wrote that in. that was in fact, part of the original song. but I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it, or if Im gonna keep it. as i said, these could probably use some tweaking.. but im curious what you think. haha thanks
