Friday, February 11, 2011

I dont think my my parent's friends dog likes guitars very much, if at all... :/ haha

My parents went out to dinner with their friends and left the dog w/me.. lol but I dont think this dog likes guitars very much.. haha Maybe it was just cause I kinda came at him with a strange object and as i held it up to him was like "What is it, Truman?" so he may have thought I was attacking him and had every right to do what he did. but either way, I still held it up to him cause he did the bow thing, which I stupidly assumed was a play bow, but then he backed up and barked a little defensively. but then I put it down on the couch and was like "no, Truman!" and he backed off and I was like "Truman its ok", etc. I wasnt scared but just a little shocked cause he's normally such a good dog but dogs sense fear so I shut the doors and stayed in the living room till I calmed down enough to go back out (it happened on the edge of the doorway).. haha I'm still a little shaken up but only a little and hes basically back to normal now and I won him back over by giving him another of his dog biscuits.. haha He's now asleep in the hall and is normally such a good dog, which is why I was so shocked, but hes a little riled up tonight for some reason anyways and had every right to do that. and wasn't even aggressive, just a few defensive/investigative barks directed at the guitar, not me i dont think, and he had every right to do so if he thought i was coming at him, which in his world, i was. So i dont blame him for it and I'm not still mad at him, just a little surprised still, but dogs will be dogs and he's a good dog plus no one got hurt so im cool with it.. haha :/

1 comment:

  1. Btw, just for the record, the dog is an older/middle aged (?), Portugese Water Dog and is normally very quiet and good.. :/ haha
