Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in so long.

Hello everybody.

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in so long, I've just been so busy lately. But I am going to start blogging again and more often soon. I just thought that I would give quick update and just check in with everybody, let you know that I'm still here, the blog's still running, I've just been so busy lately.. haha

I actually have a couple of announcements to make..

Well, for starters, since my last post, I have finally gotten around to making another YouTube! haha I made it the 27th, this one is JustAnotherMusicKid. the old one, KDOGG331, is still up and its going to stay up. That one's really my main one, at least for now. But, I was thinking of putting music, vlogs, comedy, that type of stuff and then, just whatever else, on the new channel. So please, if you haven't already, go check out my YouTube channel(s) adn subscribe, comment, favorite, friend, whatever. I really appreciate it so thank you. :)

Secondly, I haven't really written any new songs recently. However, I still have all the other songs that I had written before adn had been planning on posting. I have not gotten around to posting those yet, but, I am planning to soon, as well as be maybe write some new songs, so be on the look out for those in the coming weeks. Thank you so much. :)

Oh, and also, Ive made a second Twitter and Facebook as well.. haha They are both to support the band, Carson though, all street teams. haha I made the new Twitter the day after I made the new YouTube (the 28th). I started a street team for the band, Carson. its @CarsonMAST so please go follow me. Carson has Twitter as well so you can follow them too if you want, @CARSONBAND I made a Facebook page as well, its Carson MAST. so please go look for and "like" it. I'm actually not going to give you links to either of my actual Facebook accounts, only the page, for safety reasons. I hope you understand. Thank you so much. :)

Ok, I think that is all the news I have for now. If anything else comes up, I'll be sure to post about it. As I said before, I just wanted to check in and give a "quick" update.. haha

As always, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it, I really do. : )

Thanks again,


  1. Also, I just realized... This is my first blog post in February! :D haha Happy February everybody! :)

  2. Oh and Carson has a Facebook page too so go "like" them too, please. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carson/111081348912311 thanks. :)
