Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not at all music related but somewhat interesting, I hope.. haha

Hey everybody.

Ok this is really random and has absolutely nothing to do with music, whatsoever. But I just thought that rather than spamming Runner Runner's Facebook wall about it, I'd just put it in my blog. It's just easier this way and plus this way, I dont annoy anybody. haha so yeah.. And besides, this is more of a rant-ish thing and their wall's not for ranting and venting and I have a blog. So, why not post it here, instead, you know? haha Well anyways, this "rant" is about school and my grades. I'd like to tell you a little story, if I may.. haha

here it goes:

There once was a girl who loved to procrastinate and one day..

haha just kidding, it is a story and what I have just stated is true. That girl is me. But I'm not gonna tell it like that, it's not that kind of story.. haha

Ok soo... We got our report cards yesterday. I think I did pretty well, if I remeber correctly, all of the grades were in the B range with the exception of an A- in stagecraft, a C- in spanish, and a C in philosophy. Well, I told Runner Runner this and how I wound up getting a B in english, one of the classes I was failing, and they were like "get those C's up. average is average". Well, philosophy is only a half year course and I think thats what the final grade wound up being so I can't really do much about that now.. haha but the other classes, I am trying to keep my grades up. So far (this term), I think I have everything in for every class and I'm going to try to keep it that way. haha

But I'm a huge procrastinator and I know what's gonna happen, Im gonna get lazy and start slackin' and then my grades will slip and I'll panic and desperately try to bring them back up at the end, happens every time. I can try to prevent it but I know its probably gonna happen again with this term.. haha

This is the part I was gonna post on their wall but decided not to, about how I know the story. haha :

"I know the story: "Oh, I'm going to do all of my work and try not to fail for the entire rest of the year, I'm not gonna procrastinate liek I did last time.." blah, blah, blah.. * halfway through the term, start to become lazy again, grades slip * "uh oh, my grades are going downhill fast" * end of term, desperately struggling to catch up * "shit im failing" * tries to make everything up the last possible week, doesnt manage to get everything in, winds up with mediocre grades * "damn, i wound up with a C (or worse)" it happens everytime, I'm gonna try to do everything in my power to prevent it from happening this time but I guarentee it will happen again this time and I'm dreading the end of this story, the part where I wind up failing or getting a C again. and then the waay end of it, where I wind up getting a shitty GPA because of this and then try to get into a good school (college).. haha Im really dreading that part, maybe I'll be fine but it's the level of uncertainty there that bugs me.. :/ haha"

It's true, it happens every time no matter how much I don't want it to. Like with work and assignments and stuff, I'm like "I know I have to do this, I should probably stop procrastinating now.." But I never do, I can't. And then it's late at night and/or the last possible day or week to turn it in and I panic, stuff gets turned in late or not at all, etc. Its bad. But Im a procrastinator at heart and nothing I do will stop that. It sucks, but its true.. I wish it wasnt but it is... :/ haha

And it sucks even more cause if I keep procrastinating, being lazy, not doing work, etc Im gonna keep getting grades like this and then, my GPA will wind up being really shitty and low and then I wont be able to get into a good school, like I want to, which would really suck.. yet I cant stop it. haha I can try, and I'm going to but it still sucks. haha and it also really sucks cause sometimes I just want to be lazy but my conscience wont let me and then I'm like why do I have to care so much?.. haha

But yeah, point is, I'm a procrastinator and although my grades weren't that bad this term, the procrastination always brings them down, as well as my GPA, and Im really dreading the day, if and when, I cant get into a good school cause of it... :/ haha

But yeah, I think I'm done ranting now and I'm gonna try to keep my grades up. But you probably don't really care, haha sorry.. Actually, no I'm not cause its my blog and I can post whatever I want. :P but this wasnt music related at all so I am kinda sorry, even though I said I'd post non music related things from time to time.. haha

Ok, I really need to shut up now. haha sorry, I think I'm just about done now..

As always, and particuarly with this post, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it, really I do. :) haha

Thanks again,

1 comment:

  1. Btw, what's the best way to deal with procrastination? lol the one thing I forgot to mention before is that yeah, I've gotten everything done so far this term. But only after hours of procrastination and not until late at night. :/ and I know that if I'm ever gonna keep my grades up, the procrastination has got to stop. so again, I ask, what's the best way to deal with this?... :/ haha
