Wednesday, December 21, 2011

random post

I'd like to make a shout out to my little brother, Marc, it's his 16th birthday today!! he doesn't have a Tumblr or Twitter but 16's a pretty big year! so happy birthday bro! love ya! <3 :) 
we went out to dinner tonight for his birthday, Sam Diego's is delicious. :) still gotta figure out what to get him though, and what to get for Christmas...only 4 days away now!! haha exciting.
so yeah, that's pretty much it. Thank you for following me and happy holidays folks! :D

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Song!!

    So, I know I was trying to go in order and work backwards from the oldest to the newest songs but it's been a while and I wanted to share this one with you guys. I will go back and post some older ones later. :) haha

So this one I wrote on Sunday (10/30) and I made several improvisions and corrections right then and there, which are indicated with the line through them. I didn't completely cross the old stuff out because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to get rid of it and still aren't completely sure. And the bold is revisions made today. Also, the original idea ends when I say I hope you change and then the new begins with where I say but you probably won't, that's not indicated with a line through it. Also, I haven't quite figured out a title for it yet. But anyways, I hope you like it. :)


It's no surprise to me that you hate me.                                
It's not an uncommon coincidence for my friends to.  for you not to talk to me   to ignore me
It's not a coincidence that my friends say they love me. Then go and betray me.
It's not a coincidence that nobody will talk to me this is common nature.
Cause everybody you all probably hate me by now. 
So But I'm writing this song in hopes and hoping that that will change.
I know it probably won't but I'm going to try anyways.
I don't care if you don't like me and I don't care if this song sucks cause I'm doing this for me (and no one else).
So I'm gonna keep on living and keep on writing.
I really hope you change but if you don't, that's cool too.
Cause I'm doing this for me (, I'm not trying to make you see.?) and I'll just ignore the haters.
Haters gonna hate.
Nothing can bring me down.

Sorry if that was really confusing.. haha anyways, that was my latest song. Please let me know what you think. thank you. :)


Saturday, August 27, 2011

My First Interview!!

I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity over the past 3 days to interview (via email), Grant Walker of the band, Halfway to Hollywood. If you don't know, Halfway to Hollywood is a relatively new Powerpop/Rock band from Vancouver, BC. Here is the interview:

Me: So, I guess you should probably introduce yourself first.. I mean, I know obviously you and Jacob, but who else is in the band besides you guys and what do they play? And then also, I'm sure people are probably curious how old you guys are and where you're all from? So do you wanna just introduce yourself real quick?? haha

Grant: I'm Grant Walker, singer/guitarist/songwriter for the band Halfway to Hollywood. If you aren't already familiar with our members they are: Brenden White (bass), Jacob Owen (Lead Guitar), Joey Levesque (Keys) and Graeme Hahn (Drums). We were all born and raised in around the Vancouver area as far as I know and range in age from 19-24. Joey is the baby of the group at 19.

Me: And then, I guess the next logical question would be, how long have you guys been a band for and how did you all meet??

Grant: We've been a band for just a few months now but Brenden and I have been playing together in various projects for a few years now. He and I recorded the Speechless EP this past spring by ourselves and happened to meet Joey around that time. He volunteered to help us out by laying down some synth and one thing lead to another and he became a full member. After we released the EP and started getting a bit of a buzz going online Jacob got in touch with us and then Graeme. I'm really stoked to be playing with a group of such fun and talented people!

Me: Oh, it was just you two, or rather three, when you released the Speechless EP?? That's kinda cool though. What was that like for you guys? Was that your first actual release??

Grant: Speechless was our first release as Halfway to Hollywood. Like I said, Brenden and I have been playing together for years but HTH is the first band we've taken seriously and had a specific creative vision for. Recording the EP ourselves was great because it allowed us to take our time and think about what we were doing which isn't always a luxury you have in a professional studio. 

Me: How would you describe your music, if you had to??

Grant: As a musician that's a question I get asked a lot, and it never really gets any easier to answer. I guess I try and write songs about different life experiences I've had and to reflect on them without taking myself too seriously. We're a pop band first and foremost so I try and keep our music as fun and positive as possible, even when dealing with darker subject matter.

Time for some fun stuff.. lol

Me: I'm sure people may wanna know what some of your favorite things are.. soo..

Favorite color?
The Dharma Bums - Jack Karouac
Koyaanisqatsi...its this crazy film from the 1980s about the influence mankind is having on the Earth...really trippy/beautiful to watch and has a cool message at the end. I'm also a big fan of Stanley Kubrick. If I had to pick something a bit lighter though I'd have to say I really like Disney movies or really anything from my childhood.
Pizza! I think that's everyone in our band's favourite actually.
Flavor of ice cream?
Strawberry Cheesecake...there is this awesome gelato place a few blocks away from our studio that makes icecream in pretty much every flavour imaginable but that's my favourite so far
Hobbie(s)/pasttime(s) or thing(s) to do when not making music?
I'm a 4th year psychology major so school takes up a lot of my time, but when I'm not busy with that or the band or my day job I like all the usual stuff...partying, hanging out with friends, camping, whatever. Pretty much anything as long as its with good people. 
Me: And of course, I have to ask this because I used to love Pokemon, especially the original show, and I feel like it makes for some pretty great conversation.
Soo.. What's your favorite Pokemon?! If you even have one.. :P haha
Grant: I think I'd have to say Charmander...he got me out of some tough jams when I used to play the game on my gameboy, and he eventually turns into Charazard who is badass. Honourary mention goes to Metapod for being super chill and just hanging out :P

Now back to the serious stuff. :P lol

Me: So, being the songwriter, where do you get the inspiration for your songs and what are some of your biggest musical influences??

Grant: It really depends on the song. I guess I tend to write based on personal experience but that doesn't necessarily mean that every one of our songs is about some specific person or thing from my life. Sometimes I'll even write songs with narratives delivered from someone else's perspective which is fun because it allows me to approach something from a more interesting angle.

Me: What are some of your favorite bands/musicians? And then albums/songs?

Grant: I've always been a huge Beatles fan and I grew up listening to a lot of my dad's classic rock records. In high school I started listening to bands like Blink, Green Day, All Time Low, Nirvana, etc and from there got into punk and metal and stuff like that. I've always had pretty eclectic musical tastes which is great for songwriting because it allows me to incorporate ideas from all over. Big albums for me would have to be Green Day's Dookie, Blink's Enema of the State and All Time Low's So Wrong It's Right. 

Me: Whats the best and worst concert you've ever been to??

Grant: I saw Green Day on the American Idiot tour in '04 and that was pretty sick, but I don't know if it was the best show I've ever seen. I go to a lot of local shows around Vancouver and those are always fun. And as for worst show comment!

Me: Was there one particular piece of music or concert or something that really influenced you or changed your life??

Grant: I can't really pick one specific moment but music has always been there for me. I didn't exactly have an easy time in high school but music played a big role in helping me figure out who I was and always gave me something to live for even when things were hard. 

Me: When did you first start playing guitar and how and when did you first decide that you wanted to be in a band and that music was what you wanted to do??

Grant: I've pretty much been playing music in some capacity for my whole life so I don't think I could pick one specific thing. One of my earliest memories is dancing around my parents bedroom to Wild Thing by the Troggs but I don't know if thats where it all started haha

Moree fun!.. lol

Me: Describe each of your bandmates with one word?

Brenden: Intense
Jacob: Thoughtful
Joey: Sparkley

Me: Oh, I thought of some pretty good "ors".. haha

Mac or PC?

Coke or Pepsi?

Snickers or Milky Way?

Skittles or M n M's?
M&M's...especially Peanut M&M's :)

U2 or The Who?
The Who FTW

The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
Beatles, hands down.

Oasis or Blur?
Blur, just because they seem like nicer guys.

Nirvana or Radiohead?

Do you like Coldplay and/or The Goo Goo Dolls?
Not a big Coldplay the Goos though!

What are your thoughts on Aerosmith?
Amazing band...I like their 70s stuff more than their later stuff but its all good. I'm always driving people in our band crazy by playing the "Walk This Way" riff at practice haha

Favorite kind of candy??
Screamin Sour Saucers...I think they took them off the market when they found out all that blue die was carinogenic though...

Do you like Mike n Ikes? haha
I don't think I've ever actually tried sure!

Me: Okay, I'll stop with the random, probably annoying, questions now and get back to the actual interview.. haha Sorry about that..

But, umm..

Me: What are your plans for the future for Halfway to Hollywood? Are you guys gonna be releasing any new music or touring or anything like that anytime soon??

Grant: We're hoping to record an EP this winter and to release it in the Spring. In the meantime there might be a few singles though so stay tuned! Hopefully we'll be hitting the road and at least playing some shows in Western Canada before too long.

Me: And then, I guess this one's kind of the same thing but what are some of your hopes and dreams, or plans, both for the immediate future, as well as long term for the band? And where do you see, or hope to see yourself a few years from now?

Grant: If I could make a living off of music that would be amazing but I know that's a lot to ask. I guess I'd just like to see our music get to as many listeners as possible and see what happens. Apart from taking the band as far as I can I'd also like to finish my BA in Psychology and maybe apply to a few different grad schools and see what happens. But all those plans are pretty at present and the band is my top priority.

Me: And I know you guys are kind of just starting out yourselves but, do you have any advice for any other bands/musicians who may also be just starting out?

Grant: I know this is really cliched but just don't give up and keep at it no matter what anybody says. Writing and playing music are skills and anybody can learn and develop them given enough hard work. Also another cliche "believe in yourself" applies here because if you don't believe in what you're doing you can rest assured no one else will. 

And that's about it! I would like to thank Grant very much for agreeing to do this interview and for taking the time out of his day(s) to answer my questions and providing such wonderful, in depth answers. I really do appreciate it. :) Also, Halfway to Hollywood is on the social media sites too so go follow and "like" them and listen to some of their music while you're at it! :)


Twitter: @HalfwaytoHolly

Follow Grant and the rest of the band too! @GrantAWalker @iuJacob @BrendenWhite and @Joeyjoyride

Thanks again Grant! :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh, I forgot to tell you..

I'm in a band now. kind of.. haha As of July 22 of this year, my friend and I started a band but we haven't really done much with it, we hung out then and decided to start it but havent done much sense, at least not together.. lol We have a YouTube and Twitter and everything though. We decided to call ourselves Small Town Hero and have a YouTube and Twitter and everything though. haha The YouTube is and then the Twitter is just @SmallTownHero1 you can check it out if you want to.. haha we kind of suck though but yeah, I'm in a band now. :D haha

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wow, it's been a while. haha

Whoa. March 29th. Holy shit, it's been a while.. haha I apologize, I have been busy lately and I just haven't felt the urge to blog much lately.. lol I have been online since then and I have written songs since then. heck. I still have songs from January and February I haven't posted yet. But I just haven't bothered to check or post on my blog at all between then and now and I apologize. haha But anyways, I'm back now (with new music) and that's the important thing. lol I literally just finished writing a new song less than 2 hours ago that I would like to share with you, if I may. haha I still have all the other songs I need to post but I don't feel like digging them out right now so I will just share the newest one with you for now and I'll put the other ones up at a later date. :) haha so yeah, thats whats new with me. lol Anything new with you? Leave a comment below telling me what you've been up to lately, if you want to. haha thank you. :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New songs!! :D

Hey everybody! soo, now that I finally have some time, I'm going to put some new lyrics up here! haha I hope you like them! :)

Ok, soo I guess I'll start with the newer ones first and work my way down to the older songs. :) haha

So, as I've done with the other songs (I know, it's been months since I've posted any new songs), I'm only going to post a full and a partial per blog post because I don't want to overwhelm you with too many songs at once and it's just easier that way so yeah.. : D haha

Ok, so here's the first song. This one is literally brand new, I actually just wrote it tonight and this one is actually an exception to the songposting rule, in that I'm gonna post two (different) partials (of the same song) because normally with my songs, I just go with the direction the song's going in and just accept the new ideas and wind up with a (hopefully) great song. but for some reason with this one I just decided I was straying too far from the "original" ideas and kept trying to put the original ideas into it but everytime I would try to do that, I would just keep writing and wind up not knowing where to put the original ideas. So I stopped writing for a second to write down the original idea on a seperate sheet of paper. And then after I did that, I just kind of lost where I was going with the "new" song and just wasn't able to keep writing. So I just walked away. haha This is the first time I've ever actually "walked away" from a song before, besides the partials, but those were only cause I didn't have time to finish writing atm and just wanted to get the ideas down. So I did and wound up with a few partials. haha but anyways, this is the first time I've ever really walked away from a song, willingly and on purpose (not because of time issues), the first time I've ever really said to myself, "You know what? I really have no idea where this is going anymore and I think it's straying too far from the original but I don't know for sure right now because my ideas are too scattered now. So I think I need to walk away and come back later.", it's the first time I've ever really told myself "I think you need to walk away now because you have no idea where this is going anymore." And so that's what I did. Which I guess is a good thing because with all of my other songs, I just had an idea and then I went to write it down and thought of all sorts of other things to add and just kept writing till I wound up with a full song, I kind of edited and added stuff to it along the way and never really hit any roadblock's with it, or if I did, it wouldnt last long and I would fix it right there and then continue writing till I "finished" it. So, I guess, this writer's block thing is a good thing because for once, it is not just smooth sailing with my songs. I am learning how to walk away and come back  later (With a clear head to, hopefully, write a better song than I would have before). So, I guess it is a good thing that I hit this roadblock because by hitting this roadblock, I am probably learning valuable skills and learning that everything doesn't always go your own way or go right the first time, sometimes it takes multiple tries to get it right. In fact, that is usually the case. So I think I am also growing as a songwriter and as a musician and gaining experience as well. Because while, yes, it is frustrating getting writer's block, I am learning and hopefully, I will come back with a better song when I go back later. I don't know, maybe I'm exaggerating this a bit. I mean, it's just writer's block, right? But I do think this is good for me though because up till now, everything's pretty much been smooth sailing, as far as the songwriting goes, so it's a good experience for me. : D It's frustrating though cause I can't decide what I want to do with the original, whether I wanna add it in as the chorus or completely omit it or what but either way, this is probably a great learning experience for me. :) haha

So anyways, enough rambling. haha I'm sorry, I'll stop rambling now.

Here is the new song. I'm gonna post the "new" version first and then the "original" idea.. haha I haven't decided on a title though yet but yeah, new song.. : D haha

"new" version of new song

     Well, I don't know how things are now.
But I know how they were bere.
But they've probably changed now
Cause it's been a while since I've been here/there.
So I know how things were before.
But I don't know how they are now.
Cause things have changed.
But you're still the same. And you still live there.
So darling, can you please tell me how things are now?
Tell me how things have changed. What's different now?
It's been a while since I've been here.
I know you probably hate me. But it's been a while.
So can you please refresh my memory?
Are things still the same as they were or are they different now?
Cause I don't know.
So darling please, can you tell me how things have changed?
Are things much different now that I'm gone or are they still the same as they were before/when I was here?
Well, I'm here now so tell me. Has a lot changed since I've been gone (or not really)?

ok, that's it for the "new" version. here's the "old/original" version.. haha

    Well, I don't know how things are now.
But, I know how they were before.
But they've probably changed now cause it's been a while since I've been there.
But you still live there and you're still the same.
So darling, can you please tell me how things have changed/are now?
Are they much different w/o me there/now that I'm gone or are they still the same as they were before?
I don't know.
So darling, can you please tell me how things have changed/are now?
Cause I don't know.

And that's it. haha As you can see, the "original" isn't all that much different than the "new" one, but it's a little different and a big difference is that the new one is just more spoofed up and with a lot more "fluff" in between the lines, the original is simpler, it just says it all in one verse.. haha so, I don't know which version I like better yet, I like both so maybe I'll incorporate the original in as the chorus or something but idk for sure yet so yeah... haha

Anyways, I hope you liked that one. I'll also be posting more songs up soon so be on the look out for those. haha but yeah, hope you liked it. :)

As always, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! : D

Thanks a lot,


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Exciting News!! :D

I just realized that last post was my first post in March!! : D haha I know it's kind of late but Happy March! lol And guess what?! My birthday's in 5 days!!!! haha I'm so excited about it, can't wait!! :)  So DEFINATELY Happy March!! :D haha

Oh andddd.. I have new music to put up as well!! :) haha I wrote a bunch of new songs last weekend/week so I'll have to put them up. I think I have enough for an album or an EP or something now, if I came up with (and recorded) music for it cause right now it's just lyrics but if I did that that'd be pretty cool, maybe I'll figure something out for my birthday.. haha

That actually leads me to my next point though, I'm probably not gonna be able to find band members, get/fix instruments, come up with, and/or record music for 10-14 songs in 5 days (before my bday) but maybe I'll write and/or post some new songs for my birthday as a special birthday present/gift to all you guys but I don't know yet so we'll see. But yeah, so I haven't figured out exactly what I'm gonna do for my birthday yet, regarding my music and whatnot, but there will definately be some sort of musical surprise involved with whatever I decide to do, maybe I'll do a contest or something, that'd be kinda cool, but I really don't know yet. So yeah, definately stay tuned and be on the lookout for something special on, or around, my birthday and/or April Fool's Day (because it falls right after), because there will definately be something and it's most likely gonna be pretty awesome! So stay tuned! : D haha

Andddd... I think that's pretty much all I really have. So basically, Happy March, I have new music to put up so be on the lookout for that, and also stay tuned and be on the lookout for a very special musical surprise on my birthday (March 31st) and possibly April 1st (April Fool's Day)! And that about sums it up.

So as always, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it!

And STAY TUNED!!!! : D haha

Thank you. :)
Until next time,


So Tired..

i am sooo tired tho. i went outside for like an hour then came back in (to get the Rocky theme song stuck in my head and put sneakers on to prep for more of my yard running), then I went back out. then at like 7ish, maybe a lil later, my mom and I went to Olive Garden. the wait was like 15-20 min so we got in at like 7:30, 7:40ish and just got back a little bit ago.
im so outta shape tho. like when I went outside, basically all I did was run around kicking a giant rubber bouncy ball thing around the yard. so literally, running from one end of the yard and back, i was out of breath. sure, it's a big yard and part of it was uphill and i zig zagged across the yard on the way back and i was running like full speed across the yard but still, its not that big of a yard, i shouldnt be that tired. haha
im gonna crash, and crash hard, tonight. im gonna be out like a light after all that exercise today.. haha after getting the rocky theme song in my head, i went back out and ran around the house twice, the second time running backwards some of the time, all while kicking this ball around. im so tired lol

Monday, February 28, 2011

i just made music. :D haha

I just made a guitar tab, my first. :D haha it's pretty short&kinda dumb but its kinda cool.. haha I was trying to remember the tabs to another song and came up with this so I have no idea if it's original or not. but I think it is and it's pretty cool. it's just kinda a short little Halloween/spooky-ish theme thingy, just replayed a couple of times but I thought it was pretty neat so I wrote it down, tabs are really the only thing I understand, atm.... hahahaha I kinda get chords but I mainly get tabs cause its literally like a drawing of the strings w/numbers as to where to put ur fingers&such, which u probably know, but im more of a visual learner type person so it works for me, chords? not so much.. but im workin on it.. hahaha but yeah, now i dont just have lyrics, I finally have actual music so Im pretty proud, however stupid that music may be.. lol but yeah, im pretty proud of this. :D ahahaha
I think it is original though but idk. but even if it's not, Im just proud i was able to come up with something, finally.. haha :D i may make a vid of me playin it and post it up on YouTube or something, Im that proud. :D hahhaa
As always, thanks for reading this and I hope you'll stick along for the ride. :)
Thank You,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

12 Track Radio street team - challenge 1

Im making this blog post cause Im on the 12 Track Radio street team and this was part of challenge 1, we're trying to get 12 Track Radio to 2011 fans by April 2nd. they have 300 now.. haha I know, that's a pretty big leap but its cause of the year. so please help us get there. Check this band out and if you like them, click "I'm A Fan!" if we get there, there might be a free show and street teamers will get VIP. so please help us get there. thanks. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My English Essay - The American Dream Project

Hey everybody! I had to write this essay for english. We had to find a song, poem, or news story that we feel best represents the American dream, either in the present or in the past and write 2-3 paragraphs discussing the poem, song, or news story. she gave us some questions that we could frame our response around and stuff on the direction sheet but I'm not gonna bother listing them or copying the entire set of directions, you get the gist of it from what I've told you, hopefully. lol Anyways, I just figured I'd put it up here just for kicks and to see what people think of it, and also cause it's somewhat musical.. haha I chose to do a song and the song I chose for this was Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer", good song. :) haha Anyways, I hope you like my essay, and I'm also gonna attach the link to the song here soo, enjoy! :) haha

The American Dream Project
                 To many people, the American dream is simply, opportunity, self invention, possibility, freedom, the idea of the self made man, the idea that if you are an honest, hardworking person, nothing will stop you. To me, it is more than that. It is all of that plus, going from rags to riches, working hard to get from the bottom to the top. It is going from having nothing to having everything you want, all through hard work and dedication. It is living your dream and doing what you truly want to do and being where you really want to be in life. It is working hard to succeed and living life to the fullest to get where you truly want to be in life. That is the American dream, at least to me. Of course, it is so much more than that and the definition of the American dream is defined differently by most people and tends to change a lot but that is at least part of my definition of the American dream.

                 I chose to do a song for this project and the song that I chose was “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi. This song is basically about a fair couple that have been working hard to try to make a better life for themselves but they say, it doesn’t really matter if they make it or not because they’ve got each other, which is enough for them, although they would still like to have a better life for themselves and are working hard to attain it. The song was written and released in late 1986. At the time, there were a lot of hard working families working to attain better lives for themselves and the couple mentioned in this song is no exception. The song sort of exemplifies the American dream because it is about this couple who have been working hard to attain better lives for themselves. This kind of exemplifies the American dream because the American dream is basically all about working hard to attain your own American dream and to get to where you want to be in life. The American dream basically says that if you’re an honest, hardworking person, then, nothing will stop you. This song sort of shows that the American dream is attainable with a lot of hard work but it also kind of shows the illusion side of the American dream, the idea that you might not always make it, because in the song they say “It doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not..” which kind of shows that there’s a big IF there and that not everything in life is so predictable or such a sure thing. However, I believe that the American dream is, eventually, attainable with enough hard work and determination. With hard work and determination, you can pretty much pull anything off, including the American dream, if you so desire. Also, I think that although the song is more of a modern song (written in the 80’s), the American dream from the 1920’s to then, had not really changed much and was still basically the same. Even now, it’s basically the same as it was and has not changed much over the years. That American dream is still basically, opportunity, self invention, possibility, freedom, the idea of the self made man, and the idea that if you are an honest, hardworking person, nothing will stop you. This has remained basically the same over the years and is still just as attainable now as it was in the 1920’s or any other time, with a lot of hard work and determination.

Thanks for taking the time to read that, I hope you enjoyed it. :) 

Thanks again for reading that and if you've read this far, THANK YOU!!!! Again. lol 



Friday, February 11, 2011

I dont think my my parent's friends dog likes guitars very much, if at all... :/ haha

My parents went out to dinner with their friends and left the dog w/me.. lol but I dont think this dog likes guitars very much.. haha Maybe it was just cause I kinda came at him with a strange object and as i held it up to him was like "What is it, Truman?" so he may have thought I was attacking him and had every right to do what he did. but either way, I still held it up to him cause he did the bow thing, which I stupidly assumed was a play bow, but then he backed up and barked a little defensively. but then I put it down on the couch and was like "no, Truman!" and he backed off and I was like "Truman its ok", etc. I wasnt scared but just a little shocked cause he's normally such a good dog but dogs sense fear so I shut the doors and stayed in the living room till I calmed down enough to go back out (it happened on the edge of the doorway).. haha I'm still a little shaken up but only a little and hes basically back to normal now and I won him back over by giving him another of his dog biscuits.. haha He's now asleep in the hall and is normally such a good dog, which is why I was so shocked, but hes a little riled up tonight for some reason anyways and had every right to do that. and wasn't even aggressive, just a few defensive/investigative barks directed at the guitar, not me i dont think, and he had every right to do so if he thought i was coming at him, which in his world, i was. So i dont blame him for it and I'm not still mad at him, just a little surprised still, but dogs will be dogs and he's a good dog plus no one got hurt so im cool with it.. haha :/

Just went and picked up the guitars!!

OMG!! My mom just went and picked up the guitars! She just got back and they look and sound AMAAAAZING!!! :D haha It was a little more expensive than we thought, I think the bass needed 1 string, but it wasn't much more expensive. But they sound awesome! :) haha The strings on the acoustic are kinda reddish/goldish so I think they put copper strings on it, all new strings. :) haha Better than before, before it only had 3 strings and one of them was steel and the other two were nylon... :/ hahaha but now it has all new copper strings. :) And my mom says the big guy there's wicked nice, he like played a little song or something for my mom (on the acoustic one) to show her how good it sounded. :) haha and they look kinda shiny and/or cleaner too, like they cleaned em or something.. haha Anywho, the acoustic has all new copper strings and the bass has a new tuning key and I think a new string too.. haha A little more expensive than we thought, but not by much, only like 5 bucks (bass strings are more expensive which is part of why we didnt just get them all replaced.. haha). It was funny cause I was reading the service slip thing on the guitars and it was like 5 bucks for ONE bass string and like $7.99 for an entire set of brand new copper strings on a 6 string acoustic, plus all the labor.. but still, a little over a dollar a string for guitars but like 5 BUCKS for ONE bass string, guess they are more expensive... hahaah Anyways, it was a smidge more expensive than we thought but WELL worth it!!!! haha I'm SO excited to start playing, I'll probably play all weekend and maybe even get off the computer and play guitar instead, for a change... haha I'm like on the computer all the time, like hours on end, it's not good.. lol but now I'll be playing guitar for hours on end instead, with the exception of maybe looking up tabs and playing tips/lessons and stuff online, my fingers are gonna hurt... haha Im so, so excited to start playing though! :D ha
Thanks for reading this. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wow, that was fast.. haha

Ok, so as you know, we like just took the guitars in to be fixed yesterday and they just called like 40 minutes ago to say that they're ready. Wow, that was fast.. :/ haha I'm not complaining, I'm GLAD they're done, I didn't WANT it to take forever but wow, I thought it'd be like at least a week... haha I figured they'd have the strings there but I assumed they'd have to order the tuning key cause my mom asked about that, like if they had it there or what and he said he wasn't sure if they had it in stock. So I thought they'd have to order it and it'd take at least a week, or at least more than a day, but apparently not... :/ haha So I guess they had it in stock. I suppose they coulda just done overnight shipping or something but I dont think so, I think they had it in stock... haha Anyways, Im glad they're done so soon cause that just means I can start playing even sooner. :D haha It's probably too late now, they probably close at 9and it's 9:24pm here now, they just called at 8:50. haha We'll probably go after school tommorow to get them which is even better cause tommorow's a Friday so I can play all weekend then February Vacation isn't next week, but the week after so I can play all vaca too, it's so perfect! : D haha I'm so excited! : D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I got my guitars tuned and stuff today!! :D

Hey guys! Guess what? I actually have some pretty exciting news today! :D haha ok soo... You probably don't really care buuut... We just took the guitars to the music store down the street to be looked at and tuned and stuff. They all work but he said they could all probably use a better set up and stuff to make them better playing instruments or whatever but they're playable now so we're just getting the bare minimum stuff. The electric was fine, he tuned it and we took it home with us but we left the acoustic and the bass there. The acoustic needs some new strings and the bass needs a new tuning key and they all need to be tuned soo yeaah.. :D haha I can finally start playing now. :D lol oh and I'm gonna start taking lessons too so yeah. :) ha oh and, you're gonna think I'm an idiot buuut... They sound SO much different and much cooler when they're actually plugged in!! ahaha We have an amp for the electric guitar that came with it but idk what my mom did with the cord so I've never plugged it in. I mean, I knew it was an electric and would probably make cool sounds when plugged in but when its not plugged in, it almost kinda sounds like an acoustic or just a regular guitar or something. So then he plugs it in to test it and tune and stuff and I'm just like thinking "holy shit, hes wicked good! that sounds SO cool and soo much different when it's actually plugged in..." I was trying not to smirk/smile too much and was trying to hide my face at how cool it was.. I dont think he saw me, but I was just like humbled by how cool it sounded and how he was like actually rocking out and stuff, compared to what I do w/o it plugged it and was occasionally smiling soo much, it was embarrassing.... :/ hahahaaah but so anyways, we're getting the guitars fixed and I might start taking lessons so I'm finally gonna be able to play, I'm SO excited!! :D haha thanks for reading this. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

ok soo, I know you probably don't really care buuuut.... I have kind of a dilemma right now. And I don't know what I should do about it.. :/ haha i dont know if I should go to my venture crew's party tommorow or a concert in Fall River for a local bands CD release cause I missed the one last night in Boston. I would to go to the concert but our crew's hosting the party and I knew about that first so I kinda feel like I'm obligated to go.. :/ haha The party's at 6:30 but we have to be there at 5:30 to help set up and stuff. the concert's at 8 but Fall River is like an hour away so I don't know what I should do about it.. :/ haha

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Youtube annoys me. It pisses me off how they change the mixes like every 30 seconds or taylor them to you. its like no, the mixes are the one thing that doesnt need changing so leave it alone! i dont wanna go back and save every artists mix like 10 times cause you changed it and theres good, or different, stuff in all of them. Darn it YouTube, just leave the freaking mixes alone!!!!!! hahha gaaaaaahh, YouTube is so frustrating sometimes! lol

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not at all music related but somewhat interesting, I hope.. haha

Hey everybody.

Ok this is really random and has absolutely nothing to do with music, whatsoever. But I just thought that rather than spamming Runner Runner's Facebook wall about it, I'd just put it in my blog. It's just easier this way and plus this way, I dont annoy anybody. haha so yeah.. And besides, this is more of a rant-ish thing and their wall's not for ranting and venting and I have a blog. So, why not post it here, instead, you know? haha Well anyways, this "rant" is about school and my grades. I'd like to tell you a little story, if I may.. haha

here it goes:

There once was a girl who loved to procrastinate and one day..

haha just kidding, it is a story and what I have just stated is true. That girl is me. But I'm not gonna tell it like that, it's not that kind of story.. haha

Ok soo... We got our report cards yesterday. I think I did pretty well, if I remeber correctly, all of the grades were in the B range with the exception of an A- in stagecraft, a C- in spanish, and a C in philosophy. Well, I told Runner Runner this and how I wound up getting a B in english, one of the classes I was failing, and they were like "get those C's up. average is average". Well, philosophy is only a half year course and I think thats what the final grade wound up being so I can't really do much about that now.. haha but the other classes, I am trying to keep my grades up. So far (this term), I think I have everything in for every class and I'm going to try to keep it that way. haha

But I'm a huge procrastinator and I know what's gonna happen, Im gonna get lazy and start slackin' and then my grades will slip and I'll panic and desperately try to bring them back up at the end, happens every time. I can try to prevent it but I know its probably gonna happen again with this term.. haha

This is the part I was gonna post on their wall but decided not to, about how I know the story. haha :

"I know the story: "Oh, I'm going to do all of my work and try not to fail for the entire rest of the year, I'm not gonna procrastinate liek I did last time.." blah, blah, blah.. * halfway through the term, start to become lazy again, grades slip * "uh oh, my grades are going downhill fast" * end of term, desperately struggling to catch up * "shit im failing" * tries to make everything up the last possible week, doesnt manage to get everything in, winds up with mediocre grades * "damn, i wound up with a C (or worse)" it happens everytime, I'm gonna try to do everything in my power to prevent it from happening this time but I guarentee it will happen again this time and I'm dreading the end of this story, the part where I wind up failing or getting a C again. and then the waay end of it, where I wind up getting a shitty GPA because of this and then try to get into a good school (college).. haha Im really dreading that part, maybe I'll be fine but it's the level of uncertainty there that bugs me.. :/ haha"

It's true, it happens every time no matter how much I don't want it to. Like with work and assignments and stuff, I'm like "I know I have to do this, I should probably stop procrastinating now.." But I never do, I can't. And then it's late at night and/or the last possible day or week to turn it in and I panic, stuff gets turned in late or not at all, etc. Its bad. But Im a procrastinator at heart and nothing I do will stop that. It sucks, but its true.. I wish it wasnt but it is... :/ haha

And it sucks even more cause if I keep procrastinating, being lazy, not doing work, etc Im gonna keep getting grades like this and then, my GPA will wind up being really shitty and low and then I wont be able to get into a good school, like I want to, which would really suck.. yet I cant stop it. haha I can try, and I'm going to but it still sucks. haha and it also really sucks cause sometimes I just want to be lazy but my conscience wont let me and then I'm like why do I have to care so much?.. haha

But yeah, point is, I'm a procrastinator and although my grades weren't that bad this term, the procrastination always brings them down, as well as my GPA, and Im really dreading the day, if and when, I cant get into a good school cause of it... :/ haha

But yeah, I think I'm done ranting now and I'm gonna try to keep my grades up. But you probably don't really care, haha sorry.. Actually, no I'm not cause its my blog and I can post whatever I want. :P but this wasnt music related at all so I am kinda sorry, even though I said I'd post non music related things from time to time.. haha

Ok, I really need to shut up now. haha sorry, I think I'm just about done now..

As always, and particuarly with this post, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it, really I do. :) haha

Thanks again,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in so long.

Hello everybody.

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in so long, I've just been so busy lately. But I am going to start blogging again and more often soon. I just thought that I would give quick update and just check in with everybody, let you know that I'm still here, the blog's still running, I've just been so busy lately.. haha

I actually have a couple of announcements to make..

Well, for starters, since my last post, I have finally gotten around to making another YouTube! haha I made it the 27th, this one is JustAnotherMusicKid. the old one, KDOGG331, is still up and its going to stay up. That one's really my main one, at least for now. But, I was thinking of putting music, vlogs, comedy, that type of stuff and then, just whatever else, on the new channel. So please, if you haven't already, go check out my YouTube channel(s) adn subscribe, comment, favorite, friend, whatever. I really appreciate it so thank you. :)

Secondly, I haven't really written any new songs recently. However, I still have all the other songs that I had written before adn had been planning on posting. I have not gotten around to posting those yet, but, I am planning to soon, as well as be maybe write some new songs, so be on the look out for those in the coming weeks. Thank you so much. :)

Oh, and also, Ive made a second Twitter and Facebook as well.. haha They are both to support the band, Carson though, all street teams. haha I made the new Twitter the day after I made the new YouTube (the 28th). I started a street team for the band, Carson. its @CarsonMAST so please go follow me. Carson has Twitter as well so you can follow them too if you want, @CARSONBAND I made a Facebook page as well, its Carson MAST. so please go look for and "like" it. I'm actually not going to give you links to either of my actual Facebook accounts, only the page, for safety reasons. I hope you understand. Thank you so much. :)

Ok, I think that is all the news I have for now. If anything else comes up, I'll be sure to post about it. As I said before, I just wanted to check in and give a "quick" update.. haha

As always, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it, I really do. : )

Thanks again,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Not Lyrics but Still Music Related, Kind of.. haha

Okay, sooo... I would love to go to all of the concerts around here that I want to go to. As well as, buy all of the new cds that I want to buy that are out this year.. buuut... I would also love to go on this Travel for Teens program trip thing to Ireland and possibly England (I might combine trips) this summer and its alot of money. soo, Im thinking I may have to cut down on some expenses to save up and help my parents pay for it. This, unfortunately, includes music. :( haha Im still going to try to go to this one I want to go to in April though and one local artists cd release in February though and buy a few cds and things here and there. :) But concerts and music related things are expensive so I cant go to like 30 million concerts this summer... :( haha But the way I figure, I can always buy the cds later and the musicians will most likely come back here so I can always go another time. Whereas this trip is only for teenagers/high schoolers and my mom wouldnt let me go last year so I gotta go while I still can.. haha Plus, this trip looks like alot of fun and is probably kind of one of those "once in a lifetime" things, so I gotta take the oppurtunity while its here, you know? And besides, maybe I can write a song. or 2. or 3. while I'm over there... :/ haha Also, its good that I'm kind of trying to be responsible and thought of this on my own though, right? haha Anyways, the point is... Im going to try and cut back on some things, including music, for a while to try and save up for this trip in the summer. Fortunately, songwriting and playing music is free, its the buying and fixing of things that costs money.. haha Although, I need to get my guitars tuned, pretty sure theyre waaaay out of tune, but maybe my neighbor would be willing to do it for free, I hope so, otherwise I'm screwed for a while.. :/ haha but as I said, Ill continue to writing songs, playing my out-of-tune guitars, and posting lyrics up here cause thats free... :/ hahaa

As always, If you have read this far, THANK YOU!!!! :D

Thanks, Kelsey.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some More of My Lyrics

Ok, heres some more of my lyrics. As I said in the last post, Im gonna post some fulls and partials for a while, till I get em all up. This one is called Knock Me Down. and in short its about bein knocked down, walked on, used, etc. we've all experienced it at one point or another. but also, the person whos being used or whatever, kind of starts to fight back, develop a backbone, etc but then kind of feels bad about doing it. cause 2 wrongs dont make a right and they know that but they cant stand it any longer and MUST do something about it. so i guess its also kind of an issue/battle with the conscience and moral/ethical issue&dilemma as well. i dont really know what it is to be honest. soo yeeeaah... haha and yes, i guess the chorus does kinda sound a bit like Chumbawamba's Tubthumping but I realized that after and thats not nessicarially how its gonna sound, so its original, I swear, I didnt copy it. so whatevs. lol I hope you like this one, its kind of a long song though.. :/ haha but I hope you like it. :)

Knock Me Down

Knock me down, push me a-round, shove me out of the way, push me (to the side, aside?).
I land face first in the dirt.
But Im tough and you cant't keep me down.
So I get up again, and.
Knock you down, push you a-round, shove you out of the way, push you (to the side, aside?).
You land face first in the dirt.
(I?) Give you a taste of your own medicine, how does it feel (to be served?)
(You?) Think you're so hot but you're not, think you'e so great but you're really not all that.
Brought you back down (to the Earth, from the sky, to the Earth from the sky?)
So, how does it feel to be low like me?
To be lower than dirt, spat on, (stepped, walked?) on, trampled over?
Not so nice, is it?
Not so high and mighty now, are ya?
Not so hot, huh?
Yeah well, thats what you get you stupid (b****, person, girl?)
Cause you,
Knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me (to the side/curb, aside?).
I landed face first in the dirt.
So I fought back.
And, knocked you down, pushed you a-round, shoved you out of the way, pushed you (to the side, aside?).
Now you're sitting, crying in the corner.
Cause I,
Knocked you down, pushed you a-round, shoved you out of the way, pushed you (to the side, aside?).
Damn, why you always gotta make me feel so bad?
Why do I feel so bad?!
I shouldn't cause you,
Knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me (to the side, aside?).
I just fought back.
You just got what you deserved.
I shouldn't (feel bad?) but I do.
2 wrongs don't make a right, I know that, my folks taught me that.
But you got what you deserved so why do I feel so bad about (it, this?)
(I'm?) Too nice, I guess.
Even though you got what you deserved cause you,
Knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me to the side.
You knocked me down, pushed me a-round, shoved me out of the way, pushed me (to the side, aside?).
I hope you've learned your lesson, cause I sure have.....
Yeaaah..... (?)
Oh, yeaaah.... (?)

And thats it. I know, kind of a long song.. haha I hope you liked it though. :)

Also, because its such a long song, I'm thinking that might just be it for this post, this post is probably long enough as it is, without adding another song to it.. haha

Oh and also, I kinda realize the bottom part, or at least the line where I say "2 wrongs dont make a right", I realize that may be kinda starting to sound like the beginnings of a rap.. haha but Im not sure if Im gonna keep it and thats not really how I intended to sound, I dont think. soo, yeah.. haha and the last couple of "yeaaah's", Im not sure if Im gonna keep that many but if I do they probably wont be as loud as the rest of the song. theyll probably be fadeouts at the end soo yeaah.. haha I hope you liked it. :) Ill post more songs soon but I really hope you like the ones Ive posted so far.

Again, and as always,
If you've read this far, THANK YOU!!! I really do appreciate it, it means alot to me that you guys care enough to read my posts. So thank you. :)

Thanks again,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Some of My Lyrics

Ok, I have decided to post some of my lyrics up now as I am curious to see what you all think of them, and I have promised a few friends that I would post them. Soo, here are some of them. I am only going to post a few now though as it would take up too much time and space to post all of them. So I'll post some full, finished songs as well as some partials.

This is the one that started it all... haha I actually starting writing this one back in October when I was kind of having some family problems, but didnt finish writing it until December, which is when I wrote the majority of it. And obviously things were better then, so it's a little happier and kind of developed into more of a cheesy love song I guess... haha but I'll let you be the judge of that. im still not quite sure its done yet though but if its not, its very close. so Here it is, The song that started it all... haha

"I'm afraid of what's coming.
Theres a storm brewing on the horizon. and I'm afraid of what's coming.
But I know it'll be (ok, alright?) because I've got you.
And I know this storm will pass and things will get brighter soon enough but yet, I almost don't want it to pass because this storm is what brought us together and what made us stronger.
And I'm afraid that without that, this love will be torn apart and I'm afraid I'll lose us.
I don't ever wanna lose us so I'm hoping you'll stay, please stay, say you'll stay forever and I'll buy you what you want, make all your wishes and hopes and dreams come true.
And we can stay young forever.
I'll make this promise to you (because, cause?) I know that nothing lasts forever but I'm hoping this love will and we can stay young (forever?) cause I wanna be with you (forever, all my life, forever and ever?).
So please say you'll stay cause I love you and can't stop thinking about you.
So please don't ever go."

And there you have it, the song that started it all... haha it could probably still use some tweaking, haven't really looked at it much since December but what do you think of it? I'll probably eventually tweak it some but it's just at its raw, initial state now and I'm curious what you think of it...

ok, heres another one, this ones just a partial though... I wrote this one early yesterday (Sunday) morning. I was studying for the English midterms and I happened to be studying vocab and one of the words was "abyss" and i just randomly thought of this song.. I told you, this stuff just comes to me now... ahaha anyways, here it is.

The Abyss

I'm falling deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Someone save me from this mess.
Ohh, please!
Someone save me from this mess, I'm falling deeper and deeper into the abyss!

aaannd.. thats all i have so far. pretty decent song though for one that the idea for which stemmed from an English vocab word, right? ahahaa anyways, I think thats enough for now. I'll probably post them like this, a partial and a full, until I finish posting them, which will hopefully be sometime early next week (the week of the 18th), and then from here on out, that way it hopefully wont be too overwhelming. and if theres no more partials then I'll just post a full or 2 and vise versa. does that sound like a good plan? I'll also probably post a song of the week type thing and other music, and occasionally non-music related, things from time to time as well.

I'm curious what you think of my songwriting though, so please, feel free to leave a comment or subscribe to this blog or whatever you do with blogs. im new to this.. haha

Again, if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it, I really do.

Thank you so much,


My First Blog Post! :D

    As the title of this post implies, this is my first blog post! : ) haha I actually started it Friday (Jan. 14, 2011) but I havent had the time to post anything so this is my first post. and, actually I did have a post when I initially created the blog but my computer got messed up and it didnt save it so it got deleted. :( haha

    But anyways, I mainly just started this blog because I love music and wanted to be able to share that love and passion of music with the world and maybe find some like-minded people. I like to think I have a pretty eclectic taste in music, I listen to almost anything as long as its good music. haha I like music with lots of instrumention but I listen to almost everything. But not nessicarially everything that I listen to is good but I know good music when I hear it. I just came up with that "quote" all by myself, right now. do you like it? haha anyways, as the "quote" basically implies, I listen to almost anything. And I really do. Just take a look at my iTunes library or my favorited videos on Youtube and that should prove it.. haha rock, country, alternative, reggae, reggae rock, christian rock, light metal, some pop, pop punk/pop rock/punk, britpop, british/irish/uk music, particuarly during the 90s (i seriously think there must be something in the air over there because literally every single piece of music ive heard from over there has been amaaazing, and ive heard alot.. plus they have cool accents. haha), umm... some blues, ballads, danceable stuff, singable stuff, 90s music, anything really, its a pretty varied list... haha

    Some examples of specific artists include.., well actually you can look at my Youtube and alot of its listed in the info thing under music.. haha its KDOGG331 but I'll list some here anyways. umm... Queen, Aerosmith, Oasis, Blur, The Rolling Stones, Stone Temple Pilots, Goo Goo Dolls, Cage The Elephant, Green Day, Matchbox Twenty, Train, Five For Fighting, Ben Folds, Nine Days, Dave Matthews Band, Maroon 5, Switchfoot, The Spill Canvas, Steven Page, Kris Allen, Paramore, All Time Low, Carson, Runner Runner, The White Tie Affair, A Rocket To The Moon, 30 Seconds to Mars, Bon Jovi, Mark Wills, Chris Keys, Boyce Avenue, Every Avenue, The Dinosaur On My Back, Flogging Molly, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dropkick Murphys, David Wax Museum, Hey Monday, Kicking Daisies, The Ramones, Cheap Trick, The Replacements, The Summer Set, The Honesty, The Maine, Nickelback, Rascal Flatts, The Script, The Fray, Rob Thomas, Weezer, Finger Eleven, Franz Ferdinand, The Decemberists, The National, Coldplay, U2, Daughtry, AC/DC, and soooo many more! So as you can see, its a pretty varied list... haha

    Anyways, Im not really entirely sure what I am going to do with this blog or what I am going to put on it yet. I was thinking of possibly doing a song of the week type thing or band of the week, song of the day, or something like that. but I am not entirely sure. Also, lately I have begun to get more serious about learning guitar. When I was younger, I used to be kind of into it but then, I guess I kind of lost interest in it. but now I am starting to get back into it. But when I was younger, it was always just kinda more of a fun thing to do when I was bored anyways. I was never really "serious" about it, it was always just for fun. I mean, even now, Im mostly just playing for fun anyways but when I was little, I didnt really actually learn it, more just plucked random strings on the guitar or pressed random keys on the piano or randomly hit the drums, essentially just noisemaking... haha But now that I am older, I am actually attempting to learn these things rather than just sporadically making noise.

     I also used to try and write songs when I was younger. But again, that was always just for fun and more when I was bored and would basically, just be like "I wanna write a song" and then do it, so they usually wound up terribly or as some random rap or something.. haha But now, I have begun to more seriously write songs. Also, when you're younger, you're so young and innocent so you dont really notice whats wrong with the world as much so you really dont have much to work with, or write about, at least for me. ha But, I think I first began seriously writing songs a couple months ago. That was when it really all began at least for me. I started writing one song back in October and then didn't touch it again or finish it until December. And then that really just started kind of a snowball effect, the snowball started rolling down the hill and there was really nothing I could do about it.. haha Ever since then, and particuarly this week, Ive just been writing songs like crazy. They just come to me now, whereas before they never used to. I mean, theres some stuff now that I just look at totally differently or think "Boy, would that make a great song" and just start writng, stuff that I never would have thought of as a song before. So, I guess now I kind of have the mind of a songwriter... haha They dont necessiarially always come to me at the best times though.. haha But to date, I have finished 4 songs and have started 2 others, so Im now at 6 total. I have written the majoity of those songs this week.

   Soo, now that I have started writing songs and trying to learn guitar, I may post some of my lyrics up here for you to see. And possibly some videos of me playing guitar, or trying to learn it, once I get better at it. I hope you will enjoy seeing these things and would possibly consider commenting on them and/or giving some constructive criticism, or at least telling me what you think because I would love to hear from you. And so that I can get better at it.

  I hope you will consider joining me on this musical journey of mine because I'd love to have you along for the ride. I am sorry this blog post is so long, they wont all be this long, I promise... But if you have read this far, THANK YOU!!! : ) I appreciate it, I really do. and I look foward to hearing from you or at least having you along for the ride.

Thank you so much!

- Kelsey